Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Number One Reason Why so Many Americans are Idiots

If you hate socialism and everything about it, you are officially an idiot. Not only do you probably lack a proper understanding of the word and use only the negative connotations spoon fed to you by moron pundits on Fox News, but you also fail to realize that socialism exists, and has existed, in our country for a quite a long time. Not only has it existed, but it flourishes both within the United States, and much of the world. Things we expect to see in every nation like publicly maintained roads, police officers, firefighters, public education, all of these are socialist ideas.


Do you really want to destroy socialism and all of the unnecessary taxes it provides? If so, I hope you’re willing to fork out the even greater amount of money I’m sure you’ll be paying to be protected by privatized police officers and firefighters. Everyone will be paying for private education as well, which is pretty sweet. Oh, and I guess we’ll need to figure out a way to build and maintain our intricate highway systems without allowing the government to control our lives, m I rite?


I’ve only listed a handful of the seemingly endless list of socialist programs that every American utilizes on a daily basis. You hate taxes, eh? Well maybe you should keep in mind that if you weren’t paying those taxes for services, you’d be paying even more money to get them privately.


With all of this in mind, I think it’s time I move onto that which you were all waiting to hear about. Socialized healthcare.


Is it really all so terrible? I mean, it exists in Canada, the United Kingdom, France, and even Cuba, just to name a few. And guess what, their healthcare systems are stronger than ours are, and better for the people. You can say all your bogus claims about socialized medicine that you were, once again, spoon fed by your pundits. But at the end of the day, there is a very simple argument that you would think would convince everyone, yet it doesn’t.


Privatized healthcare means that your well being is in the hands of people whose number once concern is turning a profit. For how hell bent you conservatives and moderate liberals seem to be on NOT trusting the government, how are you so quick to trust BUSINESSES? Not just any businesses, but huge businesses. They do not care about you, and they will fuck you over every chance they get. Why? Because they are a business, and businesses exist to make money. End of story. The reason America’s healthcare system is so awful (and it is awful), is because we continue to allow these giant health insurance companies to buy out our politicians and lie to us. We allow these companies to create such baseless fear in us, so that we’ll continue to pay them ludicrous payments.


Get over this ridiculous fear you have of “socialism” and wake up. Your healthcare sucks, and it will only get worse if we continue to allow private companies to hold your health in their hands. 

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